About Me

About Me

Welcome to datahacker

Welcome to my data hacking site.

I enjoy collecting, correlating, and curating disparate, yet related information. I am a data nerd. A technologist. A "hacker" of sorts. I'm a builder. A creator.

Data hacking is about discovery, learning, and sharing information. I strive to collect details on complex technical topics, and explain their core principles in ways the average person more easily understands.

This purpose of this website is:

  • Consolidate and present useful, but esoteric knowledge
  • Distill highly technical subjects down to a level consumable by an average person
  • A personal blog website dedicated to documenting and sharing information
  • A portfolio of select personal accomplishments and data driven projects

I am a lifelong learner. This fact has led me to acquire interrelated skills that have enriched my ability to perform well in a variety of roles, from technologist, to solutions architect, product manager, software developer, etc. Although I enjoy fast-paced development environments and shipping code, at heart I am a strategic visionary and strongly believe in the need to correlate short-term behavior with long-term goals.

As a seasoned veteran in program management, product marketing, and product management, with coding experience, I thrive in environments of transformational change. Defining new products and improving existing products is not just about software development and hardware acquisition. Fostering productive relationships and a viable strategic vision are equally important.

If I may be of service, please reach out to me via one of the methods below:

-David Guyton